Ensalapláts a.k.a. Alexanderplatz

Come on, say it out loud. You have to love it. Try saying both versions out loud. My heart melts a little everytime you say it.


That’s where we live, pretty much. Our home for 5 months in Berlin, where you finally learned how to ride your Laufrad (forwards and backwards); where you chased pigeons (I won’t tell abuelo) or just ran around for the joy of it; where you danced to music from street performers or from the open air bar; where you learned your first breakdancing moves from watching young men trying to make some money; where you were photographed several times by strangers wanting to capture the life of this place, which you have been a part of all these months; where we watched countless street performers from all over the world doing magic, juggling, dancing, etc. during Berlin lacht! week; where we’d go sit around the fountain or just on the ground somewhere and have a snack after Kita; where you’d look up at the Fernsehturm and say “¡ahí está mi pirulí!”.

We have pictures of all this because my camera hasn’t left my side since I realized over a year ago that you’re growing up and doing amazing things most every day.

Today’s Sunday and we’re taking you somewhere else but tomorrow, if it’s nice out, we’ll drop by Ensalapláts on our way to the store for fruit.

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