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¡Qué tiempo hace!

It’s not easy to learn many languages at once. We can all agree on that, right? So it’s no surprise that, very often, we say funny things when we don’t intend to. And it’s not just about the individual words; not even just about the order of words in a sentence (thanks for the verbs […]

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Colonies well past colonial times

Almost every year, Luxembourg school kids get to go away for one or a few nights at a youth hostel, or camp of some kind: les colonies. This is a luxury that not all countries can offer and I’m happy that you can experience such extracurricular activities. But… Being vegan is out of the question […]

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Elsa’s karate blues

At some point during this school year, the fact that our little neighbour, Finley, was taking karate lessons, had a big impact on you. You had already mentioned to me near the end of the last school year that he was doing karate and that you wanted to do the same. I have often thought […]

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Multiplying the love

This post is the first in a long time. I have a good excuse: we’ve been multiplying our love. It doesn’t sound quite as exhausting as it actually is… There’s a lot of learning involved; a lot of trial and error and error (yes, error must be stated twice in order to properly convey just […]

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El chupete viejo

That’s the title you’ve given to your favourite bedtime story right now. It’s actually called “María Ite y el chupete de su prima”. Abuela bought it for you this summer along with a few others, but you can’t get enough of this particular one. It’s about a little girl named Noa who is 4 years […]

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Conscientious objection

¡Ay Elsita! Qué risas nos estás regalando estos tiempos… Hoy en el colegio has tenido un ejercicio de lectura con la letra “i”. Es la segunda letra del abecedario que te enseñan después de la “m”, con la que llevabais ya 3 semanas. Estos ejercicios son los mismos para cada letra: tienes una hoja con […]

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RIP Santa. Elsa doesn’t need you anymore.

Well, it happened, my little Elsa! You no longer believe in Santa Claus anymore! It happened in a very different way than Nina, though: whereas Nina had been told by her 1st grade teacher at school, you just thought about it so long and hard that you figured it out. Nina was 6 years old […]

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Top chef

I’ll be the first to admit that today started off on the wrong foot because of me: I didn’t think to check the gymnastics calendar and when we got to the gym another forgetful parent informed us that there was no class. On a normal Saturday, we would have dropped off Elsa at 10:00 for […]

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Bella “zapatos azules”

It has been a long while since I’ve written here. We’ve been busy with the new baby, Elsa, who will soon be 16 months old! So, no more excuses, we have to start writing again. The difference is that now we’re writing not only to you, Nina, but also to you, Elsa. We hope that these […]

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