Favourite animal? The slide!

I rescued this one from facebook. It was posted on May 2, 2010. That was the first day we went to the Berlin Zoo, you, your dad and I. We bought Jahreskarten right away because we knew it was something you’d love and want to visit often. We found so much more than we had hoped…

They have a petting zoo where you can feed little and not-so-little goats, a nice aquarium, ice cream vendors, fountains… AND zoo animals! But most of all, they have an enormous playground.

It’s the kind of playground that makes me jealous because I’m not a kid anymore but I’d love to swing, slide, bounce, climb.

We only discovered the playground after we had seen the elephants, the birds, the bears, the petting zoo and the hippos. However, on the train back home afterwards, this is how the conversation with your dad went:

Chéri – C’était lequel ton animal préféré au zoo ?

La Terreur – Le toboggan !

Chéri – Oui, d’accord, t’as aimé le toboggan. Mais, quel animal as-tu préféré ?

La Terreur – Sauter !!

Of course! How could we expect you to possibly choose an animal over the huge slides and trampolines? Parents… go figure!

For the record, we now go to the zoo about once a week and you’ve started to really appreciate the animals on our walk toward the playground.

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